Well, the salmon season for 2012 is only a few months away so it's about time to start cooking up a new batch of wobblers! I'll just leave it with a few photos this time.
I have a really good wobbler that I use when trolling in the local fjord. It has a nice unpredictable swim and does the occasional loop. The problem with the looping is that it puts a spin on the line. This can easily be avoided by putting a plate with a ball bearing swivel in front of it. I have a few commercial variants of these but I was bored yesterday so I made my own from a stainless steel plate. I guess it would serve as a simple "flasher" as well?
The masking for the paint was pretty crap.. That's something I have to practice more :)
I've been painting a bit with the Createx Airbrush Colors. They are cheap and come in many premixed colors which is a big plus in my opinion. Great for starting out, but has left quite a bit to be desired. So, a while ago I ordered som De Beer WaterBase Serie 900 automotive paint.
I did a quick test with the red and the black colors and the results were excellent! Much, much better atomization than with Createx out of the bottle.
I figured I would take a stab at maintaining a blog again. Mostly as a documentation for myself of the baits I make and fish I might catch using them. Other than that I don't really have any expectations and don't figure anyone else will either :-P